Author: getanimateduk

4 Ways Augmented Reality Is Transforming the Future Of Healthcare

4 Ways Augmented Reality Is Transforming the Future Of Healthcare

There’s no denying the fact that, augmented reality is one of the most promising digital technologies in today’s day and age and has the potential to change healthcare and everyday medicine completely for physicians and patients alike. Augmented reality, also known as AR refers to technology that superimposes computer-generated pictures onto a real life environment. Furthermore, augmented reality can not only be used to perform accurate and low-risk surgeries, but can also be a helpful tool in aiding medical professionals complete day-to-day tasks more accurately and efficiently. Many experts believe that Augmented Reality will transform medical care by improving surgical precision during operations and reducing medical errors.

With the help of augmented reality, pharmaceutical companies can properly show how to take a specific medicine while reinforcing the product benefits in a visual way. Read on to find out four major advantages of augmented reality in healthcare.

augmented reality medical

  1. Aiding sales- One of augmented reality’s biggest advantages is being able to clearly demonstrate and visualise intricate and complex concepts. For drugmakers and providers competing for physician’s attention, their ability to quickly and easily demonstrate the benefits of a new drug through augmented reality could be immensely beneficial.

  1. Marketing to patients and healthcare professionals– Without a doubt, a crucial benefit of augmented reality is the fact that it can help in marketing to patients and healthcare professionals.

  1. Assisting in practice- In addition to helping in marketing to patients and healthcare professionals, augmented reality can also be an extremely helpful tool in aiding medical professionals complete day-to-day tasks more accurately and efficiently, from assisting with procedures to aiding diagnosis.

  1. Corporate communication- It goes without saying, that augmented reality is a great tool for corporate communication. Furthermore, you will be able to engage employees, investors, partners through immersive augmented reality content. Besides, it has the ability to go viral and compete with competitors with the engaging marketing content.

While these were some of the advantages of augmented reality in healthcare, there are many others, such as educating the customers, virtual therapy among many others. Besides, many experts believe that augmented reality can completely transform medical care by improving surgical precision during operation as well as reducing medical errors. Are you looking to develop augmented reality educational experiences for your medical device or pharmaceutical communications? Well, then look no further than Get Animated. They design and develop augmented reality education experiences for medical devices, pharmaceutical and scientific healthcare communications. Backed by cutting-edge technology, Get Animated creates scripted medical augmented reality experiences at the cellular level and even down to the molecular level, which ensures an in-depth understanding of information about medical devices, pharmacological actions, biological processes among many others. You can visit their website at

4 Ways 3D Medical Animation Simplifies Healthcare And Patient Education

4 Ways 3D Medical Animation Simplifies Healthcare And Patient Education

It goes without saying, that 3D medical animation videos have revolutionised the medical industry and have also changed the way healthcare professionals worked. Furthermore, 3D medical animation has not only helped medical professionals to explain medical procedures to patients, but has also helped in marketing new medical devices. Whether in the pharma, biotech or medical device industry, each has capitalised on the benefits of 3D animation through the creation of high-end visuals and dynamic content. Besides, you can find a plethora of 3D Medical Animation Companies in the UK.

With the help of 3D medical animation, various medical processes can be illustrated in a way that was not possible with the traditional forms of media. Read on to find out four ways 3D medical animation simplifies healthcare and patient education.


  • Internet Marketing

Today, more and more people are using the Internet to search for everything and medical inquiry is no exception. Besides, patients often consult the web before speaking with a physician. Consecutively, hospitals and surgery centres are incorporating educational 3D medical videos into their marketing and social media sites to boost their reputation and name recognition among existing and prospective patients.

  • Medical Animation for Introducing Products

3D medical animation helps in highlighting the products benefits and features. In addition, 3D medical animation also helps in making sure that the output delivers an educational, entertaining and engaging advertisement for the product.

  • Simplifying Complex Information

Let’s face it, medical industry comprises of some really complex terms and terminologies that are far beyond an ordinary human brain’s understanding. However, 3D medical animation can solve this problem by simplifying even the most complex set of medical jargon and terminology using 3D animation and illustrations.

  • Professional Training

Last but certainly not the least, 3D medical animation can also be used as an educational tool for medical research and training. Furthermore, surgeons can review animations as they train for their specialties. In addition, teachers can use the 3D animation videos for training their students and explaining complex medical theories, detailed anatomy and physiology.

While these were some of the ways 3D medical animation simplifies healthcare and patient education, there are many others, such as product funding, accurate presentation among many others. However, when it comes to creating 3D animation videos, it is vital that you choose a reputable 3D Medical Animation Company in the UK. One of the recommended ones is Get Animated. They are experts when it comes to creating cutting-edge and dynamic 3D medical animation videos and offer a wide array of 3D medical animation services at affordable rates. Backed by state-of-the-art technology and a team of highly skilled and seasoned animation and illustration experts, Get Animated creates scientifically accurate content and exceptionally detailed 3D animations that will optimise performance, engagement and productivity, in a broad range of healthcare fields. You can visit their website at

Move your Medical Enterprise ahead with an Elegant and Engaging Video Explainer

A video explainer is the most innovative way of carrying out medical marketing, promoting educational institutes, companies and healthcare agencies across the globe. Animated videos use science and technology to produce beautiful and creative 2D/3D animations. These videos have captivating illustrations and interactive designs. Nowadays, there are animation companies that can provide a video explainer for vital and complex medical devices and products of pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry.

Various Aspects of a Stunning Video Explainer

Different aspects of technology are required to create and engaging and appealing 2D-/3D video.

Some of the considerations include:

  •  3D animations: Each project gets a fresh perspective with the elegant 3D animation videos. You get a meticulous and scientific explanation for your products with medical videos having a 3D mode of action. Doubtlessly, these elegant 3D videos captivate the viewer’s attention and inspire prompt action.
  • 2D animations: With a premium 2D video, you get a highly engaging content that is line with your digital marketing strategy. These explainer videos act as a sales material with high-end corporate animations using motion graphics resonating with your target audience.
  • Stunning illustrations: These can be used for demonstrating instructions for use, campaign imagery and explaining complex medical illustrations. A beautiful illustration is a versatile marketing tool. It can be used in your print ads, brochures, social media campaigns, posters, and banners. They open you to endless possibilities of giving exposure to your business. These custom made 2D/3D medical illustrations are bound to give a positive impact on your healthcare enterprise communication campaigns.

Elegant, Concise and To-the-Point Content

The elegance offered by science and technology is the best method of articulating your success and product development stories. Through these engaging concise stories powered by exquisite 2D and 3D illustrations, you can create a magnificent user experience. The know-how of your industry just gets turned into a visually dramatic and technically accurate animation experience! Effective visuals illustrating a productive content are absolutely essential for a great medical or enterprise animation video. Precise, concise and engaging video gets rendered with technological accuracy.

Healthcare, biotechnology, 3D rendering architecture and pharmaceutical industries are amongst the leading enterprises that benefit from 2D/3D video explainers. The challenging and complex world of medical procedures becomes less intimidating to the users with relevant video explainers. It takes various interactive designs, memorable communication and accurate illustrations to make videos that are effective.

In order to get inspiring, captivating and engaging with attractive 2D/3D illustrations, all you need is get services of an expert and experienced 3D medical videos rendering company. Get Animated! Medical is one such company in the UK that offers high-class 2D/3D medical animation for a stunning video explainer. Visit them and find much more.